Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Seal Team Alpha

Seal Team Alpha
The world is in chaos and after coming back from deployment, they return to a country ravaged by an unforseen threat.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Gotham Prep "Bane" Character Concept

The epitome of brains and brawn, Bane (an accepted nickname) is captain of the wrestling team at Gotham Prep Academy and its most decorated athlete ever. Bane possesses genius-level intellect and was accepted to Gotham Prep Academy on a full scholastic scholarship--he speaks multiple languages, has a photographic memory, and excels in science, history, and geology. The mask he wears for wrestling is not only meant to intimidate opponents, it's designed in tribute to his Caribbean heritage.

Gotham Prep "Penguin" Character Concept

Oswald Cobblepot
The Cobblepots are referred to as Gotham's "Second Family", trailing only the Waynes in terms or wealth and notoriety. Over the years, and through many high society functions, the families became close, allowing Oswald and Bruce to become friends...before evolving into rivals. Bruce is a handsome teenage millionaire sought by the girls in his class, whereas Oswald is brilliant but an outcast. He's much shorter than his classmates and has a funny walk--his right leg is shorter than his left--earning him the nickname "Penguin". The Cobblepot name has certainly lost some of its luster.